Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Being Ready to Learn

We all discussed what we thought 'Being Ready to Learn' meant and wrote down our ideas.  We thought about what we needed to do before class started, during our class time, and after school, to be ready to learn.  We also discussed what 'Being Ready to Learn' would look like, sound like, feel like, and think like.

We decided we might need some help remembering some of the things we needed to do, when we arrived at school, to help us to be ready to learn so we made up a 'STOP' sign.  We have placed our sign just inside the classroom so we see it when we arrive at school, and on the door leading onto the deck where we hang our bags.  We will look at it to remind us of all the things we need to do.  

What do you think of our sign?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Farewell to Jasmine

Today was Jasmine's last day in our class.  We are sad to see her go.  But we know she will have a lovely time in her new home in Perth.
We all bought in some healthy finger food and had a shared lunch last Friday to celebrate her time with us and to wish her and her sister a fond farewell.